Great Sex Life For Seniors

Great Sex Life For Seniors

A good sex life for adults over 60 is largely dependent on health conditions and lifestyle. Young people generally have a hard time believing that their aging parents (or grandparents!) Could even be sexually active, the truth is that 5% of those considered over-the-hill feel that sex is only for younger. Having sex is important, even if the couple is greater than 60. Romance, intimacy and sex go hand in hand - most couples have sex at least once or three times per week. However, various health problems that often afflict this age group may contribute to the loss of sexual desire. 

Boomers who survived the flower power era began sexual freedom there are more than 40 years. For many older than 60 people, the sexual revolution is still alive and kickin 'but it is an undeniable fact that many also experiencing problems in getting the va-va-vroom back in the boudoir. What are these common problems? Read on and learn how to keep your sexual flame burning. Sexual arousal is reflux as a person ages. Aging is a period of life that every person will pass - it does not mean that a person suddenly becomes physically or sexually unpleasant or become less interested in sex as part of the aging process.

But as a person ages, sex can be more difficult. Problems that can interfere with sexual life of a person are: erectile dysfunction, bladder disorders and disability, as well as problems with asthma and heart. Arthritis, obesity, smoking, alcohol and physical inactivity also contribute to decreased sexual drive of a person. These conditions are easily treated with proper medication if addressed early. A drug commonly used by the elderly is Viagra, the magic pill to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence. A couple must be aware of the physical conditions and problems of each, no matter how embarrassing it is (like creaking bones and bladder leakage).

After all, honesty is the best policy - and be honest with your partner is a way to avoid being embarrassed with all this trouble you might have. The slow responses during aging is normal. Sexual arousal may be more difficult to achieve - it is not impossible to overcome. Be open to your partner what turns you on and what is difficult for you. This may also be the time for you to experiment with new and different positions that best suits your needs and fitness meet. Books about sex in later life, are easy to find in bookstores, articles and documents written with taste are easy to find on the internet with large collections of ideas about useful items and sex toys that can help to increase its desires.

Couples therapy, as well as a trip to a sex therapist is also useful for couples dealing with the physical changes that are brought about by aging. Aging does not end sex. It should be a wonderful experience for people of all ages and should not stop when a person decides to do so. Age does not dictate what is good or bad, but it offers more opportunities to explore different ways to have a more enjoyable sex life. Just as with young people, a satisfying sex life is achieved by opening the other, taking the time to discuss and consider the needs of his partner, and be bold enough to experiment and have fun .
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